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Educational Philosophy, Mission & Vision Statement

Green and Gold head of dragon with horizontal text in gold and green
Educational Philosophy

Educational Philosophy

It is the belief of the Ashtabula Area City Schools that the welfare and progress of each student undergirds and defines the total thrust of all educational activities. The basic intent is to direct staff and program toward the optimum development of each student...

It is our philosophy to prepare students for successful living in a changing society. The educational program should offer the opportunities for each student to nurture personal capabilities to the fullest, to recognize individual needs, to achieve to optimum level, and to become a contributing citizen by accepting responsibility to self and others.

The total educational program requires cooperation and communication among school, home and community.
mission statement

mission statement

TOGETHER - Preparing EVERY Student for Future Success
VIsion Statement

VIsion Statement

AACS is a distinguished, diverse community priding itself on teamwork to support students as they realize their potential to achieve success.