Board of Education

Board of Education Offices have been temporaily relocated to
541 W. 34th st.
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
School Board Members
You can contact our school board members at:
Mr. Scott Yopp - President
Mr. William Niemi - Member
Mrs. Laura Jones - Member
Mr. Donald Rapose - Member
TOGETHER - Preparing EVERY Student for Future Success
Educational Philosophy
It is the belief of the Ashtabula Area City Schools that the welfare and progress of each student undergirds and defines the total thrust of all educational activities. The basic intent is to direct staff and program toward the optimum development of each student...
It is our philosophy to prepare students for successful living in a changing society. The educational program should offer the opportunities for each student to nurture personal capabilities to the fullest, to recognize individual needs, to achieve to optimum level, and to become a contributing citizen by accepting responsibility to self and others.
The total educational program requires cooperation and communication among school, home and community.
It is the belief of the Ashtabula Area City Schools that the welfare and progress of each student undergirds and defines the total thrust of all educational activities. The basic intent is to direct staff and program toward the optimum development of each student...
It is our philosophy to prepare students for successful living in a changing society. The educational program should offer the opportunities for each student to nurture personal capabilities to the fullest, to recognize individual needs, to achieve to optimum level, and to become a contributing citizen by accepting responsibility to self and others.
The total educational program requires cooperation and communication among school, home and community.
About School Board Members...
School board members are elected officials who devote many hours to reviewing materials, setting policies, and planning for your children's education. We serve on the school board because we care about providing quality educational opportunities that meet the needs of children. In addition to making decisions during school board meetings, we try to keep the lines of communication open with our community. We are available and invite your comments, concerns, and questions.
About School Board Meetings...
The Board has one scheduled meetings each month. Normally it is held on the third Wednesday of the month. However, occasionally the time or date may be changed to accommodate other activities. Additional meeting may be called when deemed necessary.
A board meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education held in public. All discussions are held in the open with the exception of items that require, by law, an executive session. There is time on the meeting agenda for citizen comment and questions. We believe that involved and informed parents and citizens are the best guarantee of excellence in our schools.
About Public Participation at School Board Meetings...
In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda in an effective and efficient fashion, a maximum of 15 minutes of public participation may be permitted at each meeting. Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her name and address. Each person is allotted a maximum of three (3) minutes. No person may speak twice. All statements shall be directed to the Board President; no person may address or question an individual Board member. Any questions for the Board should be placed in writing and submitted to me as the President of the Board. Furthermore, the Board will not entertain any comments or questions regarding specific employees or other Board personnel, nor will it entertain any comments concerning matters which may be legal in nature or otherwise under investigation.
Thank you...
The African proverb, "It takes an entire village to raise a child," is as vital today as when it was first stated many years ago. Working together we can indeed educate students for life. Your input, interest, and continued support are gratefully appreciated.